Giltner, Philip: "In the Friendliest Manner"

German-Danish Economic Cooperation During the Nazi Occupation of 1940-1945. Denmark had a uniquely lenient Nazi occupation. A significant reason for this was the Danish government's cooperativeness in maintaining public order and the stability of the Danish economy. Berlin facilitated this situation by sending the Wehrwirtschaftsstab Dänemark to provide Danish manufacturers with orders. With economic stability rather than exploitation as the Nazi priority, the Wehrwirtschaftsstab's activity was notably restrained. This approach never varied, even after the collapse of the Danish government's public cooperation with the Nazis in August 1943. Against this backdrop, the Danes successfully constructed a control system that limited the economic impact of the German presence, and further cushioned Denmark from the worst excesses of the Nazi occupation. XII,258 Seiten, gebunden (Studies in Modern European History; Vol. 27/Peter Lang Verlag 1998) Mängelexemplar/near mint

Bestell-Nr.: 78514
Gewicht: 542 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Geschichte der Jahre 1933-1945
ISBN: 9780820439044
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 55,95 €
19,95 €
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