Theories of Action and Morality

Theories of Action and Morality

Perspectives from Philosophy and Social Theory. Edited by Mark Alznauer and José M. Torralba. The nine essays in this volume address the question of whether we can understand human action without reference to moral norms or values. Although the authors approach this question in different and sometimes even incompatible ways, they are united in thinking that it is undesirable or even incoherent to treat human agency as if it were conceptually independent of value questions. The editors have attempted to invite contributions that would be interesting to both philosophers and social theorists. The conjunction of philosophic and sociological perspectives might help to overcome some of the mutual misunderstandings that have been fostered by a lack of dialogue between the philosophic and sociological action theory. Contents: T. Pinkard: Contrasting Concepts of Agency and the Space of Reasons. - S. Rödl: Acting as the Internal End of Acting. - D. Schönecker: Why there is no Fact of Reason in the "Groundwork". Three Arguments. - A. M. González: The Recovery of Action in Social Theory. Acting out of Sentiment, Acting out of Character, Acting out of Interest, Acting out of Will. - J. M. Martin: Simmel and Rickert on Aesthetics and Historical Explanation. - A. N. García Martínez: The Realist Sociological Approach to Action. - S. Djigo: Leverage and Truth. - T. Enríquez: Mixed Actions in the Work of Harry Frankfurt. - E. Mylonaki: Practical Knowledge and Perception. 271 Seiten, broschiert (Reason and Normativity. A Series on Practical Reason, Morality, and Natural Law; Vol. 12/Olms Verlag 2016)

Bestell-Nr.: 945812
Gewicht: 394 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Ethik
ISBN: 9783487153872
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 42,00 €
12,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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