The Hudsailian Poems

The Hudsailian Poems

contained in the Manuscript of Leyden. Kitâb Sarh as'âr al-Hudailîyîn san'at Abî-Sa'îd al-Hasan Ibn-al-Husain as-Sukkarî. The poems of the Huzailis [Carmina Hudsailitarum]; edited in the Arabic, from an original Manuscript in the University of Leyden, [and translated, with annotations: vorgesehen für Vol. II, nicht erschienen], by John Godfrey Lewis [Johann Gottfried Ludwig] Kosegarten/Tahqîq Gutfrîd Kûzîgartin. Vol. I [mehr nicht erschienen]: Containing the first part of the Arabic text. Reprint der Ausgabe London 1854. Der im Leidener Manuskript überlieferte und hier edierte Teil der von as-Sukkarî (Assukkari) im 9. Jahrhundert zusammengestellten Anthologie bietet Texte von 19 Dichtern der Hudhail. "1854 begann Kosegarten den damals allein bekannten zweiten Teil [der Sammlung] zu veröffentlichen; seine Carmina Hudsailitarum verdienen noch heute einen Ehrenplatz unter den Ausgaben arabischer Dichter. [...] Die Dichtung der Hudail verdient besondere Beachtung, weil sie sich im Sprachschatz und in ihren Themen nicht unerheblich von der gemeinarabischen unterscheidet. Dazu kommt, daß sie die Umgebung von Mekka zum Hintergrund hat und die Frühgeschichte des Islam in mannigfacher Weise beleuchtet" (Werner Caskel in: Orientalische Literaturzeitung 39.3). - From Kosegarten's Preface: »The manuscript of Leyden has a subscription at the end, in which It is said, that "Muhammad ben Ali al Attabl wrote this copy in the years 529-539 of the Hegira, from a copy written by Assimsimi." [...] It Is sald, that Al Attabi collated the copy of Assimsimi with other valuable copies [...]. Thence the manuscript of Leyden, which contains two hundred and four leaves in small folio, affords a very correct text. In the verses the vowels are added, and often also in the explanatory notes. But this manuscript contains only the second part of the Hudsailian anthology, and therefore we find therein no preface to the work, and no preliminary notice. [...] The Leyden manuscript containes forty-five larger odes, having each more than twenty verses; forty-nine smaller odes, having from ten to twenty verses each; and a hundred and seventy-nine small pieces, having less than ten verses each. The larger odes are, for the most part, placed at the end of the work. The commentary of Assukkarl In many places affixes historical notices, in which are related the occasion on which the poem was composed, and the circumstances to which It refers. In these notices the events of many ways of fighting [...| are narrated; such as ambuscades, robberies, sudden attacks, and private encounters. Grammatical and lexicographic notes have been added scantily by Assukkari; and those chiefty in the latter part of the work. Now and then explanatory words are superscribed over the original words of the verses; and in some parts the glosses of Assimsiml, and of other philologers, are written in the margin". VIII,295 Seiten, Leinen (Olms Verlag 1968) leichte Lagerspuren/minor shelfwear

Bestell-Nr.: 15445
Gewicht: 700 g
Sprachen: Englisch, Arabisch
Sachgebiet: Arabische Sprache und Kultur/Islam
ISBN: 9783487075044
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 49,80 €
19,80 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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