The 1891 New Orleans Lynching and U.S.-Italian Relations

The 1891 New Orleans Lynching and U.S.-Italian Relations

A Look Back. Edited by Marco Rimanelli and Sheryl L. Postman. Eleven contributions, including an introductory essay and a concluding retrospective, provide a comprehensive socio-politico-literary study of the events, focusing on issues such as xenophobia, the mafia, and the role of the media. The editors and several contributors provide the most complete and objective socio-politico-literary study of the 1891 New Orleans Crisis and the U.S.-Italian war-scare. Mostly comprised of re-elaborated papers originally presented at the American-Italian Historical Association's conference in New Orleans, November 1990, the nine comprehensive chapters are supplemented by an introductory essay and a concluding retrospective. Topics dealt with include xenophobia and racism, immigration, the mafia, and the role of the American press. Turning to the international level, the study provides overviews of foreign policies and diplomatic efforts, also taking into account the perspective from within Italy. Socio-literary analyses focus on Police Captain J. Howards's "The New Orleans Mafia, or Police Chief Hennessy Avenged!" and Giose Rimanelli's novel "Una Posizione Sociale". Lastly, an appendix offers a list of notable protagonists and a survey of the Italian contribution to New Orleans Jazz. VII,425 Seiten mit vier Tafeln und vier Notenbeispielen, gebunden (Studies in Southern Italian and Italian-American Culture; Vol. 2/Peter Lang Verlag 1992) Mängelexemplar/near mint

Bestell-Nr.: 412003
Gewicht: 752 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Neuere Geschichte, übergreifende Darstellungen | Nordamerikanische Geschichte
ISBN: 9780820416724
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 66,95 €
22,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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