Titian: Materiality, Likeness, 'Istoria'

Titian: Materiality, Likeness, 'Istoria'

Edited by Joanna Woods-Marsden. Introduction by David Rosand. Most of the eleven essays focus primarily on one or two works, others on one aspect of the artist's work encompassing a broad swathe of examples. Contents: David Rosand, Introduction: The Old Man's Brush. - Part I: Materiality / Facture: Jodi Cranston, Theorizing Materiality: Titian's Flaying of Marsyas; Daniela Bohde, Corporeality and Materiality: Light, Colour and the Body in Titian's San Salvatore Annunciation and Naples Danae; Miguel Falomir, Titian's Tityus; Paul Joannides, Titian's Repetitions. - Part II: Likeness: Joanna Woods-Marsden, The Mistress as 'Virtuous': Titian's Portrait of Laura Dianti; Jaynie Anderson, Titian's Franciscan Friar in Melbourne: A Portrait of the Confessor to Aretino and Titian? - Part III: Istoria: Luba Freedman, The Vainly Imploring Goddess in Titian's Venus and Adonis; Patricia Meilman, Historical Tradition and Political Strategy: Titian's Battle Painting. - Part IV: Coda: Una Roman D'Elia, Titian's Mute Poetry; Mary Rogers, Man and Beast in Titian. VIII,161 Seiten mit 150 Textabb. und 21 Farbtafeln, Großformat, broschiert (Taking Stock; Vol. 2/Brepols 2007)

Bestell-Nr.: 85221
Gewicht: 721 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Renaissance/Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit
ISBN: 9782503518398
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 64,00 €
24,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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