Family in Wolfram von Eschenbach's

Stevens, Sylvia: Family in Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Willehalm: mîner mâge triwe ist mir wol kuont"

This study explores Wolfram von Eschenbach's use of familial relationships in Willehalm to «recreate» his French literary source, Bataille d'Aliscans, for his German audience. The individual chapters of the study are arranged to demonstrate Wolfram's significant contribution to a popular tale during the early Middle ages. As each familial relationship is explored, Wolfram's creative restructuring of the tale (even though it is a fragment) becomes clear and the reader gains insights into other issues that are important in the poem, such as loyalty and love. The various familial relationships that are explored throughout the study would likely have been the cornerstone of the events following the Matribleiz scene in the poem, and these relationships might even have offered a resolution of the tension between the life of service and the family bond that still exists at the end of Willehalm. 201 Seiten, gebunden (Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature; Vol. 18/Peter Lang Verlag 1997) Mängelexemplar

Bestell-Nr.: 38122
Gewicht: 488 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Mediävistik
ISBN: 9780820427744
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 49,95 €
12,95 €
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