Emil Jakob Schindler. Poetic Realism

Emil Jakob Schindler. Poetic Realism

Edited by Agnes Husslein-Arco and Alexander Klee. On the occasion of the Exhibition 'Emil Jakob Schindler: Poetic Realism' from September 27, 2012 to January 13, 2013 in the Belvedere, Vienna. Translations by Dörte Eliass. Including five essays by Alexander Klee, Andrea Winklbauer, Markus Fellinger, Elisabeth Kamenicek, and Stephanie Auer. The works allow the beholder to go on a voyage of discovery through the eyes of a 19th century artist and to trace his experienceof the natural world. Schindler’s works of 'atmospheric Impressionism' illustrate the change from the opulent art of early 19th century Vienna to a new understanding of nature. Rather than realistic documentations, his landscapes are idealised and poetic interpretations. His works feature romantic themes, but also Symbolist paintings. 127 Seiten mit 84 Textabb. und 45 Farbtafeln, gebunden (Meisterwerke im Fokus/Hirmer Verlag 2012)

Bestell-Nr.: 80280
Gewicht: 644 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Kunst im 19. Jahrhundert | Kunstbuch/-katalog
ISBN: 9783777420325
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 29,90 €
9,90 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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